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This image is of Peggy (R), then a 19 year-old SNCC member, next to future civil rights icon, Dr. Dorothy Cotton (L), after a 1962 church burning in Georgiathe state that Peggy's great-great grandparents, William & Ellen Craft, famously escaped from slavery nearly 115 years earlier...





Peggy Trotter Dammond Preacely


Dr. Dorothy Cotton

I was moved by the recent release of John Legend’s song, “Never Break” on his Bigger Love album, it  prompted me to write the following in honor of Juneteenth…


 We. Will. Never. Break.

My faith is in…

my people

my ancestors

my family

my neighbors

my companions

my comrades.

Despite the terror and the tragedy...

Despite the tear gas and the trials...

Despite the disaster and the devastation. 

We. Will. Never. Break.

Despite the lynchings—past and present—

Despite the excuses…

Despite the hidden monsters in our culture...

We. Will. Never. Break.

Racism cannot restrain us

The ropes will never hold us

The chains will not bind us

Unjust laws will not detain us.

White privilege nor white supremacy has derailed us.

We. Will. NEVER. Break.


— Peggy Trotter Dammond Preacely


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