This image is of Peggy (R), then a 19 year-old SNCC member, next to future civil rights icon, Dr. Dorothy Cotton (L), after a 1962 church burning in Georgia—the state that Peggy's great-great grandparents, William & Ellen Craft, famously escaped from slavery nearly 115 years earlier...
The disintegration and grifting continues...things will not improve until we vote him and his enablers in the Senate, the House and in state elected offices OUT...
Dr. Dorothy Cotton
Peggy Trotter Dammond Preacely
by Peggy Trotter Dammond Preacely
As the world turns
It shows a reality show
that is far worse than we could ever expect
Or imagine.
As the world crashes
He is cashing in
On our sympathy
With lies
So bold now
That we are stunned
Frozen against a hermetic glass window
That offers us only a brief transient protection.
I for one, want to go down in history
In protest and in prayer.
I guess we can finally see
There is
NO there, there
NO conscience
NO care
Only some abandoned fetid feathers from his cap
floating in air
That is so stale and rank
That we gasp in disbelief
Hey, Man
We need the oxygen of truth
To fumigate The People’s House.
© 2020 Peggy Trotter Dammond Preacely. All rights reserved.