Peggy Trotter Dammond Preacely
Dr. Dorothy Cotton
The Image you see on this page is of me with then future civil rights icon, Dr. Dorothy Cotton after a 1962 church burning in Georgia—the state that my great-great grandparents, William & Ellen Craft, famously escaped from slavery nearly 115 years earlier... While those times were tough, I would have never imagined that we would find ourselves in the 21st Century still needing to march for African-Americans to not only have basic rights as American citizens, but THE most basic human right--to live... As many of you know, I am also a poet, therefore I've done what tends to happen with artists--I've put the pain into words...
by Peggy Trotter Dammond Preacely
Black Lives Matter...because Black lives have always mattered!
I stand against police brutality.
I stand for economic equity.
I stand with those who never tire in their crusade against poverty.
I stand in solidarity with those who fought for justice yesterday and with those who continue to fight for justice today.
I am many in my one…as we march and kneel and speak out.
May we root out the evil in our nation with...
our vote...
our voices...
our feet.
Now is the time...America is the place.