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Below are select events that Peggy is participating in or recommends attending...

J U N E  2 0 1 8

Saturday, June 16, 2018 @ 8:30 am - 5:45 pm

Special Events | The 25th Anniversary of the Getting Word Project & Look Closer Opening/Tour

Admission: Free  (event has occurred, click here for tour options)


Various sessions/tours


931 Thomas Jefferson Parkway, Charlottesville, VA 22902


In addition to the public "Look Closer" Opening events, as a descendant of Mary Hemings Bell, sister of Sally Hemings, over the weekend Peggy will be attending specific Monticello family events, along with other descendants of Monticello families.

A P R I L  2 0 1 8

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Keynote | Books in the 'Burgh Series: “Heart and Soul: The Remarkable Courtship and Marriage of Josh and Virginia Craft Rose

Admission: (event has occurred)


Presentation & Book Signing

Senator John Heinz History Center

1212 Smallman., Pittsburgh, PA 15222


Peggy spoke at her cousin, Mary Ellen Butler's launch event for her book, "Heart and Soul: The Remarkable Courtship and Marriage of Josh and Virginia Craft Rose.

F E B R U A R Y  2 0 1 8

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Keynote | Black History Month & MLK Recognition Event

Admission: (event has occurred)


"Ain't Gonna Let Nobody, Turn Me 'Round" presentation

The Dalton School 

108 East 89th St., New York, NY 10128


An alumna of the prestigious prep school, Peggy spoke on her work with SNCC, her civil rights activism, as well as her family history.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Keynote | The 14th Annual "Doing the Dream" Celebration

Admission:  (event has occurred)


Celebrating the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Bel Air Events

3014 S. Webster St. Kokomo, IN 46902


Due to her own unique civil rights activist background with her family history of activism, and 2018 commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Dr. King's assassination, Peggy was the keynote speaker for this annual event, who's previous speakers included Iyanla Vanzant.

O C T O B E R   2 0 1 7

Friday, October 20, 2017

Presentation | Reclaiming Our Ancestors: Community Conversations About Racial Justice & Public History Conference

Admission: (event has occurred)


Session 1 | "Routes of Cultural Memory"

The Lafayette Hotel  | Greenhouse Room

391 Washington St., Buffalo, NY


On the second day of the University at Buffalo, SUNY's "Reclaiming Our Ancestors" conference as part of Gender Week, the Mayor of Buffalo Byron W. Brown, opened the first session with a welcome, followed by Peggy speaking about the legacy of her family's history. She was joined by the University of Georgia's Dr. Barbara McCaskill  a scholar on the Crafts. The Moderator is Prof. Carrie Bramen also Director of the University of Buffalo Gender Institute. It was the 2nd "Reclaiming Our Conference" hosted by the University.

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